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A Parish Mission

that makes a difference


     Tom has presented missions to hundreds of parishes over the years.  Topics are scripturally based and in harmony with magisterial teaching.  Designed to transform, challenge, comfort, and exhort------a parish missiion with substance.  Check the link for references from many bishops, and pastors.​

     Parishes large and small, parishes from the large city to remote venues (Eskimo villages in Alaska) have experienced these parish missions which make a difference.  Many have invited us to return, some up to four times.

     Jean Marie is known for her compelling testimony and teaching in the area of Pro-Life and ministry to the incarcerated.  Her presentations on four continents in parishes, schools, and special events have stirred many to action


For questions, details and scheduling contact:


Tel: (904) 471-8672

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This ministry of lay Catholic evangelization is supported through donations.  Please prayerfully consider.  Tom Edwards Evangelistic Assoc. Inc. is a 501 C3 non-profit religious  entitiy.  Use these credit cards at this paypal link.  Thank you.

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